*Dedicated to those “past patriots” who risked everything for liberty*
The evidence which supports economic freedom as the most effective way of bringing people out of poverty and creating the most prosperous societies is overwhelming. Absolutely no evidence exists to support those who favor a government planned (command) economy. Coercive intervention into the economy through burdensome regulations and taxation is immoral as it denies the fundamental right of individual liberty. Experiments in communism and socialism have ended in complete disasters. Indeed, they led to the deaths of over 100 million people during the 20th century (Soviet Union, China, South East Asia, Cuba, North Korea, Venezuela and elsewhere). Invariably, claims are put forth that past trials in government-run, centrally-controlled economic system were not implemented properly. No matter how many times socialism fails (and it always will), supporters will use this argument.
Some take the stance that using a mixed economy which incorporates some free market elements with some government regulation is the proper approach. This is called the so-called "third" or "middle" way. Those advocating for this are compromising economic freedom. As government grows, layers of restrictive regulations will be implemented. The result is a swift reduction in free-market innovation and competition. As a consequence, prosperity wanes and poverty increases. Licensing laws that place barriers on individuals who are trying to make a living in a particular occupation or trade is just one example of innumerable ones. Convincing evidence for the benefits of economic freedom is as simple as looking at the Economic Freedom Index. Those countries near the top of the index are the most prosperous and have the least amount of poverty, while the opposite is true for those near the bottom.
Economic freedom or 'Free-Market Capitalism' is about the sanctity of individual rights and personal liberty. It is the only moral system and and has lifted billions of people out of crushing poverty over the last 200 years. Economic freedom formed a bedrock of the moral principles undergirding the founding of the United States of America. These were the principles fought for and codified by the founding fathers who were inspired by the Enlightenment Ideals of "Life, Liberty, and Property" posited during the "Age of Reason".
Read and learn about current events (lightly covered or ignored by mainstream media); most importantly learn from the greatest intellectuals of the past (e.g., Adam Smith, Mises, Hayek, Hazlitt, Friedman) and current eras (e.g., Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Jordan Peterson, Yaron Brook) that base their observations and philosophy in objective reality and the principle that your life and your own personal flourishing is your primary moral purpose.